Man Must Die Man Must Die - Gainsayer

Double standards in the values they preach
Hail Mary and all your sins forgiven
Segregation in the name of peace
Keep them down, keep them scared
Outdated is every fucking part of your ideology
I'm sick and tired of people dying in the name of peace
Brainwashed under their control
Denounce all that you think you know
I've stood on the brink
I've watched the world tear itself apart
Conditioned not to think
A meat puppet deceived from the start
Our fear is their weapon
Forever destined to crawl
I'm not going to fight, I'm going to win
My life is mine
And I will take it by force
Your words aren't worth the fuckin' paper they're printed on
A work of fiction bastardised through misinterpretation and delusion
You expect me to believe that your God loves everyone equally
Yet you wage war on anyone who opposes his will?
My mind's made up
I've had enough of you
Ignore the truth, inhale the lies
The past they'd rather forget
A legacy of bloodshed and death